Lucy's Story
Lucy's mom has kept a journal of her experience on her blog. If you would like to keep up to date on Lucy's miracle or catch up on the history of her story you can follow this link:
On Wednesday, February 23, 2011, Lucy Hannah was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer. Medulloblastoma. It all came on so quickly that she only presented symptoms for a few days before things started spiraling out of control. Upon an MRI, we learned that Lucy had a total of 5 tumors in her brain, one in her spinal column and a sugar-dusting of tiny tumors up and down her spine. In a whirlwind of events, she was in a 9 hour surgery 2 days later. While the surgery was largely a success, the doctor was unfortunately not able to remove all the tumors and found another one in the front of her brain. She suffered a setback several days after surgery when she contracted bacterial Meningitis. After 28 days at LeBonheur Children's Hospital, she was finally transferred to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Lucy began a 6 month treatment plan of high risk chemotherapy and radiation. Her formal treatment stopped in November of 2011. Unfortunately, things only got worse after treatment. Lucy lost over 15 pounds, dropping to 27 pounds at her lowest. She battled C-Diff, an intestinal disease, that slowly tried to take her life. She had a feeding tube placed and that remained with her for roughly 5 months. In June of 2012, Lucy contracted Meningitis once again, this time taking her to the closest point of death yet.
From day one, Lucy has defied the odds as God has proven himself over and over. Lucy's story is one of miracles, for sure. But hers is also a story of faith, determination and courage...all wrapped up in one little girl’s body. Lucy currently attends school where she works extra hard to overcome the learning challenges she was left with from treatment. Her physical health also keeps us constantly on our toes.
But never, ever, does Lucy complain. She wakes up everyday with a smile on her face and a song in her heart. Cancer might have tried to take her life but nothing could ever kill her spirit.